Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Aug. 21, 2007
Hi everybody! I hope everybody hasn't given up on me updating Connor's profile. It has been a rough couple of weeks for the baby and us. But there is really good news. Connor has come off the ventilator. He came off on Saturday Aug 18th. He was put on Cpap for two days and now he is just on a nasal canula. He is breathing the same amount of oxygen that we breathe and he is doing real well. Being off the vent is one step closer to coming home. He still isin't getting any food through his belly. He had an infection 3 weeks ago and it was a gastriointestional infection so his belly still isin't tollerating food. It just takes time. But as soon as we can get him eating we can hopefully bring him home. His current weight is 4 lbs 7 oz and he is big enough to maintain his own tempurature. His length is 16 1/2 inches. He is getting so big. He has got chubby little cheeks and a double chin. His foot is starting to heal but it will probably take months to completely heal. Over the last couple of weeks he received three more blood transfusions, he was on antibiotics for 17 days, and he went on watch for what is called NEC. It is a very serious condition where his intestions were inflamed. But he got past all the little bumps in the road and is now off the ventilator and on his way to coming home. Some of you may not know a whole lot about the IV burn. It happened on Aug 5th. The IV infiltrated and caused a 3rd degree burn. The burn was so bad that they have had a plastic surgon look at it and he told me that he might need skin graphs later on. The main concern that the doctors have is weather his mobility will be affected, but we won't know that until later on either. It has been a very hard thing for us to know that our baby has suffered a 3rd degree burn on top of what he is already going through. I know a lot of people want to see the pics of the burn, so i have posted some. They are hard to look at but it will give a little bit of a perspective on how bad it really is. It just goes to show how special connor is that he has had to endure so much already and how strong he is. He is such a little fighter and he is so sweet and so special. We love him so much and can't wait to bring him home to his family.

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